Blue Is | Teen Ink

Blue Is

May 18, 2014
By Audra Sproed BRONZE, Salem, Oregon
Audra Sproed BRONZE, Salem, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blue is the stars laughing
When the world strolls by
And you can't remember
The last time you really let go
Blue is the crisp feel of a freshly
Ironed uniform shirt.
Blue is the bright sky
Frowning down on the earth.

Blue is a patch of wild flowers
Dancing in the wind.
Blue is a new dress
just that much too big.
A set of eyes, a pair of jeans
A flock of Blue birds flying by.
The sound of blue is rain sizzling
When it hits the hot sidewalk
evaporating into nothingness.

Blue is a feeling of self comfort
when the day is done
Like a blanket wrapped
Around your tired body but,
You know it is only for the night
And when it leaves you
Your mind is grouping
For the memory of the feeling

Blue is soothing
It rocks
The baby
The sleeping child
And whisks away
The memories of pain on
The nights with bad dreams

Blue is a pearl closed up
In it's hard constricting shell
The only hope
In being found
Think of the way
the world would feel,and taste,
and sound, and smell, and look.
If the Blue peeled away
And disappeared
From our otherwise bland surrounding
To be lost forever and...

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