the mirror | Teen Ink

the mirror

May 16, 2014
By Carson17 SILVER, San Jose, California
Carson17 SILVER, San Jose, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

Another 24 hours poured into the cement
Living through another's persons regrets..
Just one piece of a puzzle, too big to comprehend
Cant see the end, left the lights on again
In the past, the future looked too close to hold..
And now the present seems like it's too close and cold
Inside myself looking out; it all seems fake
Whatever motivates, the day puts it away
Used to be apathetic, loved the only one living
I'm speaking to the world, but I'm the only one in it
Your eyes couldn't watch the way the world spins
I'll sit there and watch on the day the world ends
If its burns then, and flows in the wind
I'll hold what I learned and start it over again

Because who knows if your steps are planned out..
I feel lost, and no body's there to stick a hand out;
A man now.. because I felt too strong
And I feel like I lived with my self too long
This isn't the right time or place for these words
We don't have the right kind of space for these birds
If we all could fly, If we all could cry
Everybody would laugh, and we all would die
The sky hangs over my head, I can feel the weight
Conceal my fate, and let me just deal with hate
I lost compassion, everything's cold when its near us
I spend to much time with my soul in this mirror...

The author's comments:
i was feeling depressed and i decided to write this

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