Two Twirling Dancers | Teen Ink

Two Twirling Dancers

May 16, 2014
By ewnuk10 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ewnuk10 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones under the spotlight. I am the only one watching. Two twirling dancers with elegant form and delicate moves. Two who can dance within their soul. One who is there to catch the other. From my seat I can watch them, but they just focus on one another. Their love for dancing is real. They sent thoughts between the way they move. They leap up and twirl to each other with their delicate moves and their elegant form. This is how they move. Let one forget the moves, the other would not have someone to leap onto and would be left to twirl alone. Twirl, twirl, twirl. One does until they can’t no more. They dance. When I am too amazed and too into watching these two dancers, I continue to sit there when there is nothing left to look at on this stage. Two beautiful dancers. Two who lock bodies and never let go. Two whose only reason is to keep dancing and dancing.

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