Two Broken Hearts | Teen Ink

Two Broken Hearts

May 16, 2014
By 5peters GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
5peters GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

He is the only one for her. She is the only one for him. Two young teens with hearts bigger than their chests. Two who, when together, aren’t here. Two who live in their own small world. From outer space we can see them, but we won’t know the whole story.

Their pain is hidden. THey send angry texts late at night. They blow up, then calm down and grab each others hands with heated flesh and bite their tongues to push aside their anger. This is how they keep.

If one forgets the reason for being whole, they both sink like pebbles in the ocean, trying to skip across the waves to find the other. No, no, no, they whisper in their sleep. They reach.

When they are too tired and too sad to keep reaching, when they cling to a strand of “what ifs”, they look to each other. When there’s nothing left for them to reach for. Two who make it through despite the raging seas. Two who do nothing more than reach and reach. Two broken hearts, whole they will be.

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