Annabell | Teen Ink


May 21, 2014
By DestinyV BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
DestinyV BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She feels nothing. No pain, happiness, joy, or anger. She sits staring at a blank wall, with the feeling of numbness. She begins to eels something, that the end has come for her, and only her. She craves for the feeling of hunger to hit her, but after days, weeks, months passed without the feeling, she no longer has a sense to eat. She tries to scream for help, but no one will listen. She wants to hear a voice. She wants to be herself, be free, be alive, but she can't. She then starts to wonder what if she was gone, as if this was her last night for goodbye. She believes the world will be better off. She gets the courage to finally open the bottle of pills by her bed post. She swallows four, six, eight, and then the bottle was empty. She begins to feel dizzy, and light headed. Her heart beat starts to pick up and fasten. As this happens she begins to question herself why the world treated her bad. She slowly starts to feel life slip away as her heart beats faster. She closes her eyes as she feels the walls come crashing down on her. And in that time SHE was gone.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by the song These Four Walls by Little Mix. The song made me cry and it can relate to anyone out there in some way.

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