May 28, 2014
By Corvette182 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
Corvette182 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I never thought this day would ever come,
But it is finally here, the day I need to spread my wings.

Like a bird I need to spread my wings and fly from my nest
To take the road that will take me where my dreams lay.

Everything seem so unreal, but 18 Springs have gone by,
And I need to build the foundation to start building
A nest of my own.

The road has been rough with steep hills and falls,
But with persistence I overcame it all.

It seems like it was yesterday when,
The only thing that mattered was to play and have fun,
But I have to worry about my future.

My dreams and goals are not going to be easy,
but nothing in life is easy.

In life I need to go hard or go home.

In a few moths I will go to a place called
College where education thrives,
And where one can change the world.

I know this is the correct path to follow
To achieve my goals and dreams one day of
Becoming a dentist.

The journey might not be easy, but the
Traveler is persistent and won’t give up easy.

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