Mason Jars | Teen Ink

Mason Jars

June 5, 2014
By Kevin Railsback BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
Kevin Railsback BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This glass jar I have been trapped in,
Oh gods, let me climb these slick walls
And find my way over the ridged rim and
Stand upon the aluminum lid and shout.
Shout to all the men air-locked in giant mason jars
And all the kids screaming for freedom
From sharp words and poignant lives.
Let me start a revolution so we can
Run from stale air and translucent walls that
Create the false lens that I have seen
My world through for seventeen years.

But every leader needs another to follow.

If I am to rid of every dramatized hardship
That I have created in my own head,
From the prick of a needle and
The medical stench of insulin,
And the oppressive words that
Condemn a lifestyle I have not chosen for myself,
Don’t I need someone to lead the way?
For every great man there has been one greater.
If I only follow myself,
There is danger of losing myself.
God knows I am already lost.

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