Waiting | Teen Ink


June 6, 2014
By Cloaked SILVER, Urbana, Illinois
Cloaked SILVER, Urbana, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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I'm not who I seem to be. I have unlimited masks in my room and skeletons in my closet. Get to know me. And then maybe you'll see the truth.

I pain myself not knowing if you'll ever forgive me.
I starve myself by staying away from you.
I freeze from the lack of care or live I see in your eyes, even if its only a glance.
But inside I know that you care.
And that why I still stand.
As the cold wraps around me, blowing my hair every which way and freezing my heart, I know you're there.
So I stand tall, proud, and confident in who I am...
And waiting....
For the day we can finally talk and be close again.

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