My Love | Teen Ink

My Love

July 6, 2014
By wordsinthestars12 GOLD, Nashville, Tennessee
wordsinthestars12 GOLD, Nashville, Tennessee
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I'll walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love most can never hear.

I toss and turn in my bed at night
Scared of darkness, blinding light
Paralyzed by the fear that struck
Standing pampered, trim and tuck
Eyes look down as daylight breaks
Terrified of simple mistakes
Would rather lie down and perish there
Than envelope the bare
Delicate skin on my delicate face
Never a hair removed from place
Shoulders back, head up high
Faking capability beyond the sky
My eyes shift from one man to another
I am their sister; they are my brothers
This path I am on, I stumble
But I am not known to be subtle
One night, the moon is full and round
I sit alone, on the damp ground
My lips part barely as words escape
Melodies, tunes for tape
Fabric white, enriching contrast
Dark versus light, future and past
A foreign sound, yet does not wake
The princess from the chance she takes
His presence there startles both
Hello, he says. I did not know
Hush, I say. And sit with me
Watch time descend on eternity
Together we stay as time drags on
Minutes, millennia, forever gone
Less observant then, but now I am sure of
He is my one and only love

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