farewell love | Teen Ink

farewell love

July 15, 2014
By Damarimagr BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Damarimagr BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

darling dear they've come for me and though i can't be near you i hope this reaches you in time and you'll read this in the lime green tiled kitchen of your cream colored house next to the beaches of eastern Maine
my scrawled words affect you you'll never be the same but i hope you don't cry as the rope is brought to my eyes and tied as a seal seemingly unreal, as unfeeling as the collected years of suffering dealed by the demons in my head and the nights unslept in my bed
i want to be swept away but couldn't bear to hear you say why i needed to remain with fear reverberating in your voice but this is my choice and i needed to say that dear i love you so
and my hands start shaking and you are just now waking but it's time for me to go

The author's comments:
Here have this depressing poem I wrote because I've been in a poetry writing mood recently

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