Why??? | Teen Ink


August 6, 2014
By PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Who out there dreams of a place where everything is all perfect?
I never did untill now. Never thought there was really a place. Never was considered as a human being in my own mind. I wonder why. I want to know why i choose now to care? Now to cherish my moments? Why didnt i start earlier. Oh i know because i never knew these moments would end. I didnt think i would get hurt. I would be abandoned, unloved, broken, hurt, in so many ways.
Why was a hurt? Why did you leave when i needed you the most. I can only imagine why did i carry so much pain, but your perfectly fine. Just let me know why? Why should i care if your life is falling apart? Why do i care about you? You left and i screamed and cried out for you where were you? I guess you didnt care as much as i did. So I'm done caring for you. Now you can ask yourself why

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