Grandfather | Teen Ink


August 3, 2014
By Renee Castro BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Renee Castro BRONZE, Miami, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sky is blue,
As my little brown eyes stare up at you.
My little fingers grasp on to your warm hand,
Because holding onto you will always help me stand.

I close my eyes and see your face.
Shining like stars in the night sky.
The picture of you gives me false hope.
I know that when I open my eyes
You will not accompany me.

My hand is a little bigger now,
My body a little taller too.
But I still admire your desire
To make all my dreams come true.

I can still hear your laugh in my heart
It fills me like never before.
I would do anything just to hear that laugh once more.

I’m older now and I don’t see you as much
But when you open the door,
It’s being in your arms that I long for.
You tell me I’m beautiful
I just don’t see, any one as beautiful as you

They told me that you had a chance
They told me I would see you walk
That I would hear your voice on the other end
But I never heard your voice
I just heard the end

We sit here and look at old photos
Laughing and remembering when.
I used to be so little.
I had the biggest heart even then.
I wanted to be just like you.
To make everyone proud,
I wanted them to admire me
So I shared my dreams out loud.

I lost you very quickly
The cancer took over quick
It was soon before you stopped remembering
Everything we did
You were strong
You never stopped believing

My hand is all alone now
It has no other hand to hold

All I do is wait here
I try my best to be bold.
Mother cries a lot
Because she misses you too
But I have to be strong for her
And show her there is still you.

You may not be here anymore,
We will forever remember that day.
Running into the hospital
Screaming “he will be okay”
Your hand lay in mine
As you kissed my forehead one more time

I whispered I love you
And let you go to the angels.
You filled me while you were here
But now I’m empty that you’re gone.

One day we will be together
But I know that you can see me from up there
Even though I can no longer feel safe wrapped up in your arms
I know that you will hug me and make my heart feel warm.
I hope the air is cooler
And the stars shine brighter where you are
May you’ll be the light to someone else’s life
But don’t go very far.

There’s sometimes when I see you
And those days I smile
Because it’s those days when I hear you
And I know you’re always watching me
So close yet still so far.

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