Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2014
By Whiplaasch SILVER, Oconomowc, Wisconsin
Whiplaasch SILVER, Oconomowc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Is only game, no?

I am from a Hard-Drive, from Seagate and Western Digital,

I am from the bedroom with computer networking.
I am from the Hydrangea, the flowering plant under my window,
I am from Christmas at Grandma’s house and craziness, from Scott and Natalee and Laasch family.
I am from the 6:00 morning rise and the 10:00 pm night events,
from always try your best and be nice to others.
I am from Lutheran Christianity, with attending church on Sundays.

I am from Wisconsin with family from Germany, burgers and brats,
from the 97 year old great Grandma, who will turn 98 in November, and the father and grandpa who resigned from the navy.
I am from the pictures in many boxes, stored in the basement, yet to be in books.
from the family signature book stored in basement, with signatures from 1863, and still more to come.
I am from pictures stored on hard drives,
from Seagate and Western Digital.

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