Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

September 17, 2014
By m_kopecky5 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
m_kopecky5 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from running through the neighbors yards shoeless,
from Lemonade stands, laughing, loving life
from being friends with those who love life with you.

From “Everything happens for a reason.”
from “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all”.
from “Practice makes perfect.”

From Sievers: Mark, Anne, Ali, Brie, Kelsey...
from Kopecky: Jim, Nick, Maddie, Hazel, Kim...
from Heinen: too many aunts, uncles, and cousins to list.

I am from the house that used to be blue...
from 13 rooms with people around corners, popping out as you walk.
From a divided family that came together at a young age.

From family events that went from 1 p.m. to midnight,
playing games in freshly cut grass with family.
From a day wasted if not spent outside.

From being called Pecky, Addie, Madden…
Pecks, Mads, Maddawg...
Maddison, Kopecky, Kopecks.

I am from tennis everyday
from striving to be the best in a sport where friends turn to enemies.
From working, working, and working harder.

From continuous stress,
the need to impress.
from friends coming and going

From trying to look the part of the life I live.
From 200 dollars spent to look right & fit in,
only to feel like that could never exist.

I am from family split between believing and not,
no church but strong belief by less than half.
From a love so strong it can’t break.

From my best friend moving away,
feeling abandoned by those who you said would never leave you.
From learning that abandonment doesn’t last forever

From looking the part in a place I don’t belong,
from going to school even though i’m judged.
from running out of the school door at the end of the day to get home.

I am from staying out till bedtime to star gaze.
From carefree, curious, and crazy.
from a life that is impossible not to love.

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