Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2014
By melissadailey21 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
melissadailey21 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a two story house infused with laughter,
with an above-ground pool in the back,
the temperature is always a chilly 70 degrees...
dead grass remains where a sturdy swing set once stood
pinatas hung from it for birthday parties in the summer

I am from a family of nerds,
my only sister and my dad being engineers.
my sister Rebecca studies at Iowa State
studying to be a civil engineer...
myself, you may ask?
I am not one of them.

I am from a different side…
I don’t like math or science
I am different.
and different is okay.
I am on the creative side of things
being imaginative, original, and extraordinary

I am from seeing the lens of my camera
at least once a week
press the record button and start talking...
I talk to the internet, the 146 subscribers I have
even though they can’t respond
they love me, they love what I do.

I am from the walls of a catholic church,
where my best friends come
talking to God every Sunday...
I can talk to Him about anything at anytime
He is there for me, God is my savior

I am from nights in a hospital room,
when I had spinal fusion surgery,
gross sweaty nights wondering why me...
because God knew that I could get through it?
He was right, I did get through it.
now I have two titanium rods supporting my spine.

I am from the smile on my face
laughing with my friends
the three of us together, until...
Elizabeth moved to Florida three years ago
but we can still talk over Skype

I am from meeting Charles Trippy
a dream come true of a dream I never knew I even had
he is a inspiration to me
from the bands music, to his YouTube videos
he means the world to me.
He taught me one important thing...
“Live your life, and dont worry about anything else”

I am from…
...I am going to the future
I am not sure where to go exactly...
and I don't know what it holds
but I am sure to live each day…
because each day that I live, is part of the future
the beauty of life is not to think what happened yesterday
and not to think what will happen tomorrow
but to live right now..
In the present

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