Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2014
By Samantha Brossman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Samantha Brossman SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 2 photos 0 comments

I am from Church on Sunday mornings, from a bottle of Bourbon gone in a night.
I am from a white picked fence on the outside but ripped down wallpaper in the inside,
I am from a newly bloomed daisy, that wasn’t cared for and colorlessly started to wilt away.
I am from parties on the weekend and drunken stumbles, from mother and father to uncles and aunts.
I am from the unfaithfulness, un-appreciative, and the unacknowledged.
From “Everything will be ok” and “It will be over soon.”
I am from prayers before each meal. From living in made up stories,
but never fairy tales.
I am from German stubbornness and Southern secrets,
From homemade apple pie to frozen T.V. dinner.
I am from Knowledge, Bravery and Dreams.
I am from family vacations to not knowing whose house to stay at each night.
I am from long walks at night to long drives wondering where to go next. The relentless wonders that circulate the mind, the constant “What ifs” or the “ If onlys.”
From secret flawless family to a broken home.

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