Are you there? | Teen Ink

Are you there?

September 17, 2014
By megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who have achieved success have lived well, loved often, and laughed much."

Hello, are you there?
Why can’t I find you?
Have you abandoned me?
Where are you?

Am I meant to struggle?
Do I have to find my own way?
Are you still watching?
Can you hear me?

I see a light ahead.
Is that you?
Are you coming for me?
Will you guide me?

I am here, child.
I will save you.
You shall fight no more.
Follow me home.
Follow me to life.

Was that you?
I can’t hear you.
The demons yell to me.
They are louder than you.

I am screaming.
They are surrounding me.
I’m choking, fighting.
I am going to die.

Why did you leave?
Why can’t I find you?
Where have you gone?
Hello, are you there?

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