Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

September 17, 2014
By Muchspeed SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Muchspeed SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from my coveted home, white and sheltering,
From deteriorating nights of exhaustion.
I am from typing papers and studying books.
From the fall leaves that sweat from trees,
I am from a blooming garden that changes shape with the seasons.
From the apple tree that houses graciously delicious fruits for the soul.
I am from the orange sunrises to the pink sunsets.

From backyard sports that filled the afternoon,
I am from the sinister six, always there for eachother.
From the chaotic family nights.
I am from courage and resemblance to help others in need.

From the cross and nights of praying,
I am from those who care and those who inspire others to be their best.
From the apple and the pear,
I am from always being there.
From the bickering of Logan’s football.
I am from the gossiping tales of Finian.
From the determination shown in Dowan’s eyes.

I am from the box in the closet.
From dusk to dawn, my days remain the same.
I am from the fear of failing,
From the tears of trailing.
I am from the place of resolve.
From my coveted home, where I belong.

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