Where I am From | Teen Ink

Where I am From

September 17, 2014
By 16Anna SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
16Anna SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from yelling and fighting,
letdown after letdown after letdown.
The love has disappeared.
I’m from lies and untold stories,
in a place where hiding the truth
“will make things better.”
I’m from that place where I only have myself,
cause there's no time for me. 

I’m from a town where school is for fools
and who even tries?
The school where people can’t respect
themselves or one another.
The lost opportunities are overhung by what's “cool,”
and where girls are treated as an option not as a priority.
To the misfits and the try-hard's,
and from the popular's to the goody goods
all treated as if there is...
The games are played and the hearts remain broken…
but the thing is, its on purpose.
I’m from this place where there is nothing but
hiding behind who you really are.

Now i’m from love and respect,
peaceful days and quiet nights.

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