Even Love Has To Die | Teen Ink

Even Love Has To Die

September 19, 2014
By BreeLeeD BRONZE, Laurel Lake, New Jersey
BreeLeeD BRONZE, Laurel Lake, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love is shy,
Love is sweet.
Love is like a summer's treat.


Love is caring,
Love is nice.
Love comes without a price.


Love may make mistakes,
But love is forgiving in many ways.
Too bad love is hard to find these days.


Players and cheats,
Thots and hoes.
Loyalty is just too hard I suppose.


What happened to chocolates and flowers?
Candlelight dinners on the beach?
Saying your girl is as sweet as a peach?


Love is hard to find these days,
There's so many liars and cheaters.
And let's not forget about those wife beaters.


Love once lived,
Love once thrived.
But I guess even love has to die...

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