When Will Someone See Me? | Teen Ink

When Will Someone See Me?

September 22, 2014
By Midsilo BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Midsilo BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Humans are selfish, even when someone dies, you cry only because you are aware that they will no longer be around to provide you with whatever they had been for so long."---- Unknown

I hate this feeling. 

"I'm fine." I said, that horrible tight feeling in my throat. I bit my lip and tried to smile a little bit. I have these... Demons. They live in my head and feed on my fear. They destroy me, and I have to walk around like there is nothing wrong. Fake smile- Check. Poker Voice- Check. Disguise for my true feelings- Check. I put these demons into a perfect cut out that makes me seem normal. I am not normal. There is something wrong, and I hate that I can't tell anyone about it. I fear telling someone. Last time I did I was subjected to therapy, pills were not an option for me. I refused it all. I don't want help, I know how to act, and how to hide my true feeling. But as soon as someone sees the demons in their true forms I will break. I'm sure of it.

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