Why???? | Teen Ink


September 24, 2014
By SayokoHiromi__ BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
SayokoHiromi__ BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Why do you worry about the speck of sawdust in your peer’s eyes
But do not notice the plank in your own eye?

Why do you get angry when one cannot hold a glass of water
But you are infuriated when they point out the gallons of water you have wasted?

Why do you act like you are an innocent angel in a world full of sin?

Why do you act so perfect even though you're the most flawful person I know?

You ignore your problems but want to jump into others.

You abscond away from people who give you the raw truth.

Would you rather have someone lie to you all of your life than to
have someone present you with the truth?

Why don’t you just worry about yourself instead of others?

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