To My Brother's Sensory Issue | Teen Ink

To My Brother's Sensory Issue

September 29, 2014
By iscarmenate BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
iscarmenate BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To the times when we go out,

or the times were at home,
and the vast amount of frustrated phrases,
trying to understand.

To the yelling
but not just to yelling,
and speaking,
but to hushed whispering,

To walking too loudly,
talking too loudly,
saying the wrong thing
to being young but not young enough
to act like this.

To constant commenting,
offending others,
they don't understand.
To pacing,
or looking at them with wide too eyes,

To things being too much,
lights being too bright,
to the too many people talking in a crescendo of sound. 
To noises being far too loud
all overstimulation, all at once

To the kids not understanding
to being too different,
falling apart too much,
to crying.
For those who say "That's not what boys do"
to them I say,
shut up.

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