Dreams to Nightmares | Teen Ink

Dreams to Nightmares

October 1, 2014
By Hopemw BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Hopemw BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

?I lost myself in a dream

?And he was right beside me

?We seemed to mesh together perfectly

?Just like the old

?knitted quilt we were

l-a-y-i-n-g on

as we looked up gazing at

the twinkling lights


I felt his long lanky arms


around me

Believing he was holding me tight out of love

But then his grasp got tighter and tighter 

and I could feel 

my ribs beginning to crack

Struggling to rip myself from his grasp 

While still trying to breathe

?How could my love do this to me?

?How could he go from being so gentle to so vile?

?But when he turned my face to his

it all made sense 

?This wasn't my love at all

This wasn't the one I'd come to know and love

But a stranger

?And with that I awoke still shaking and trembling

?When I looked at my sides

?What else would be there

?but the bruises from his murderous hands

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