I'll Find Her | Teen Ink

I'll Find Her

October 15, 2014
By CJ_Choo GOLD, Yardley, Pennsylvania
CJ_Choo GOLD, Yardley, Pennsylvania
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There’s a void,
   Black and empty
Where she once stood.
   A loving hand,
   A kind word,
   A constant companion,
   A refuge: where I lay curled.


Now she’s gone and free.
Let my prayers be heard,
To paradise, let her fly,
Soaring high like a bird,
   Spilling love wherever she rests,
   And lets her wings unfurl.


But I have a secret,
Deep down in inside,
I keep her hidden,
I keep her safe,
In my heart,
   She now resides.
And when I’m sad,
I stay quite at night
And hear voice,
   Soft and loving,
And feel her hand,
   Gentle and kind,
And smell her scent,
   Uniquely hers,
And I know she loves me
   Deep down inside,
   Although I can’t see her,
   And I can’t reach her,
   I know I’ll find her,
   Because she loves me,
   And I love her.

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