Repeat | Teen Ink


October 12, 2014
By ZariaBeam BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
ZariaBeam BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is this a repeat of my past
When someone took their last
When your heart stopped
And your body shook
Finding you at your last
And here I am once again
Crying remembering the emotions of my past
............ Your heart stopped but wait ,
Your still here with me
Your weak body and the pain I see
But all of this is worth not taking that last

The author's comments:

2010 my uncle Albert T. died from a heart attack and stroke it was the most devastating thing that ever happened to me. April of 2014 my father had a heart attack and it just felt like a repeat of the past but the only difference was that my dad didn't die and I can only thank God for his blessings 

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