Meems | Teen Ink


October 16, 2014
By Zanelli13 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Zanelli13 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great. Some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.&quot;<br /> -William Shakespeare

It was a clear, sunny day in October

It was bitterly cold, and there was a slight breeze

The leaves were rustling up in the trees

James was sitting under a particularly tall tree

It had been a year since the accident


It had happened on this very block

This very day

She was only fifteen

So young, too young

It should have been him

But that stupid, brave girl had saved him

And sacrificed herself


They shouldn't have been out that late anyway

It was a bad call on his part

She had been sad

Not wanting to go out

He made her

Saying it would cheer her up if they went to the movies

It had worked

Until the car came around the corner


The man was drunk

His radio turned up as loud as it could go

He was swerving all over the road

James hadn't seen him until Miranda screamed

Shock had him frozen where he stood

She shoved him out of the way just in time

The driver didn't slow down

Her head hit the ground with incredible force

By the time he got to her

She was unconscious


He ran over and picked her up

Cradling her head to his chest

Shaking hands called 9-1-1

Barely managing to get the words out


When they finally arrived he was hysterical

A man took her and put her inthe ambulance

James right behind her

Miranda was rushed into immediate surgery

"... internal hemorrhaging."

"... pierced left lung."


His head started spinning

He collapsed in the center of the ER

"Sir! Are you alright?"

He shook his head


He was lost in thought until a doctor approached

"Mr. Connor?"

James nodded his affirmation

"I hate to say this, but Miss Stevens didn't make it."

His world shattered


Everything since that day had been pointless

His best friend was gone

Everyone blamed him

Things would be easier

If he were with her


He walked home that afternoon on a mission

In his garage he grabbed rope

And a chair

Then he realized

Miranda wouldn't want this

She would hate him forever

He couldn't do it


That night he went to her grave

Finally getting closure

"Thank you Meems."

The author's comments:

This piece was originally for a free write in my English 204 class. It then turned into a revision, and then into this publication. To anyone that has ever lost anyone to a drunk driving accident, my heart and sincerest apologies go out to you.

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