Falling Beneath the Earth | Teen Ink

Falling Beneath the Earth

October 20, 2014
By madiya_3 BRONZE, Davie, Florida
madiya_3 BRONZE, Davie, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have to want to breathe as bad as you want to breathe, that's when you'll be successful."

The tree stops in my presence.
Wanting to be seen,
yearning for my glance.
But, it’s in my way.
Blocking the path to success.
I try to knock it down.
It won’t budge.
It pulls all motivation from inside me.
It breathes all my air,
leaving me to suffocate.
It leads me to the temptations of the world,
forcing me into the field of desire.
I start to wither away,
watching all my dreams crumble to the ground.
The dark shadows cover me.
I fade into the cracks of hidden walls.
Leaving the world to wonder.
I bite back on the blistering anger built up inside of me.
It starts to pour out,
all at once.
Destroying everything in my path.
And, it did.
I finally knock down the tree.
It finally falls deep in the ground.
Under the world, where it belongs.
But, it’s too late,
it took me with it.

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