Bullying | Teen Ink


October 22, 2014
By 5eaves BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5eaves BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Confidence can solve everything

Bullying, use of superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, typically to force him or her to do what one wants. That is the definition of bullying and the definition of what I went through in middle school.
In middle school I was the quiet and awkward kid just trying to fit in with everyone else. I was trying my best to not be the weird one or the dumb one so I wouldn't get picked on. I always tried to do what everyone did, whether it was cool or funny or just to get what they call, “popularity points.” I rarely ever got any of those, and if i did they never lasted long.
Then 6th grade rolled around. Hoping that by this grade everyone would've have at least gotten used to me and or not care about me because I was at the point where I didn't really care about anyone in that school anymore. The first week went fine, and turns out we had one new student this year named walsh, i figured since he couldn't have hated me yet that i would befriend him. So i did, and all was going well, we hung out every weekend and had some good times with same interests and then 6th grade ended. Then when 7th grade started everything changed. Walsh had completely changed, he basically made me out to be everyones target to pick on 24/7 at school. The last two years of middle school became the two worst years of middle school i have ever had.
Sometimes I tried to get away from everyone at school, but anywhere i went its like they always followed just to put me down, whether it was insulting over xbox, facebook, or in school. I did my best to ignore it, but turns out that there was so much of it i came across of getting depression. Then at that point I just learned to accept it and became immune to all of it.
It was the day of graduation, i happily walked across the stage feeling accomplished. Then there was the beginning of the graduation dance. I took one last look at everyone having fun with all their friends they made over the years, and i walked away without looking back.

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