Facing The Bully | Teen Ink

Facing The Bully

October 22, 2014
By Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday I wake up I wish I wasn’t here
another day to go witness nasty things I hear.
Each day is not the same
these kids all think I’m lame.
“Your anorexic! Do you even eat?”
but what you don’t know is your words are a beating.

I always ask myself, why me?
Was it meant to be?
One day, I want to stand up
but when I see you I can’t get close up.
I want to tell you how I  feel
but you always seem to make me peel.

My self-esteem has gone down the drain
and, of course, no one sees my pain.
I’m only in high school
but everyone makes me feel like a fool.
I have my life in front of me
but because of you it’s something I can’t see.

I don’t want to live
but my family I will deprive.
You don’t deserve my reactions
all you want is attractions.
Tomorrow I will show you
I’m not the person you knew.

“Stop it, all you do is put me down”
“Can’t you see my frown?”
“You only do this for you”
“You don’t see it through”
“Leave me alone”
“All you do is make me moan”
“You ARE a bully”
“Why don’t you think it through fully?”

Someone finally jumps in
to long it has been.
The next day I come here
it’s you I don’t hear.
The person who saved me
she actually is the one to see.
I’m not like what they say
today is the day.

As I wake up today
another normal day is what I pray.
As I walk in the school
no one sees me as a fool.
I can now go one with my life
because of that girl who saved my life.

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