American Paper | Teen Ink

American Paper

November 7, 2014
By 5eaves BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5eaves BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Confidence can solve everything

There are a lot of reasons of why im proud to be an American. Mostly is because of all the rights I have and the freedom I have. Some of the of the rights I am proud to have are the right to bear arms and freedom of speech.
I am thankful of having the right to bear arms because I have been a hunter since the day I could get my hunting license, 12 years old. I have also loved shooting guns even if its shooting targets in my backyard with pellet gun, or going trap shooting. Also I am highly against gun control because nobody should have the right to take hundreds of dollars away worth of firearms and equipment.
I also am proud of having freedom of speech. The reason is why is because I think you should your own right to say and have your own opinion on anything. If you didn't you would just be another person who could have all the answers or the person who would know what to say to make something right, and if you didn't have the right to freedom of speech; for example, someone could know what the cure for cancer is but say if they didn't have the right to freedom of speech then we would just spend another lifetime trying to find the cure when its right there.
Overall im proud to have my rights and freedom, im proud to have my right to bear arms because i've grown up with hunting and shooting my whole. And im proud to have my freedom of speech because i'm not afraid to let people hear my voice. I am proud to be an american.

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