The American way | Teen Ink

The American way

November 7, 2014
By Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This place I call my home is filled with rich heritage.
As I look around I see farmers in their fields,
lifted trucks waving that American flag off the back.
At night under those twinkling stars,
blaring country and it up by a fire.
The neighborhood gathering for a BBQ,
all laughing and singing.

This country is my home.
I am proud to live in a tradition,
built up from the 1800’s.
Getting most of our food from farmers,
as they spend endless hours working.
From hard working in the day,
to late nights celebrating their success.

Freedom and rights is what we agreed to.
Women working with men,
treated just as equally.
Women putting in their say,
on who is the next president.
Their allowed to get the same education,
and go beyond their dreams.

We welcome all into our country.
As they come over,
so does their culture and religion.
We respect different cultures,
and honor them with pride.
Religion is a part of our country,
and we are grateful for each one.

Being an American is an honor.
From freedom of speech,
to each individual's rights.
All the different holidays,
in which we honor.
In celebrations of birth,
a new baby is welcomed into our country.

The opportunities are endless.
Education is building greater,
all your choices grow.
From languages to electives,
from Universities to Technical schools.
Each giving you the same education,
each getting you closer to your dream.

Pride of Americans never end.
From farmers and trucks,
to traditions and heritage.
The opportunities and being equal,
religions and cultures.
With everything I've seen,
I am proud to be an American.

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