The physical demand of hockey | Teen Ink

The physical demand of hockey

November 4, 2014
By Anonymous

Hockey is my safe haven,
When tough times hammer across my mind,
And everything around me changes,
Hockey remains my constant.

Through pain, and agony.
Drowsy late nights and foggy early mornings,
We skate on.

Day after day, injury after injury,
Love of the game prevails,
An ear to ear smile after a win
Etches into the soul for life.

In a way we are like Spartan warriors.
Taught to never give up,
That an open wound, and dripping blood is good,
We are taught to have a high pain tolerance.
We protect each other like a dedicated family,
We have passion like a race horse,
And heart like a Cocker Spaniel

I am a Hockey player,
I have many brothers,
Hockey is my safe haven.

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