The Sound of Silence | Teen Ink

The Sound of Silence

November 18, 2014
By kastarsky GOLD, Mequon, Wisconsin
kastarsky GOLD, Mequon, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sound of silence whispers paranoia.
Shhhhhhhh. Hear the howling of the wind blowing
through the creeks and crevices of the house.

The sound of silence mutters paranoia.
I don’t hear anything.
BAM, there goes the bathroom door upstairs.

The sound of silence speaks paranoia.
I’m home alone -- why’d the door slam?
Someone else is in the house
I know it!

The sound of silence yells paranoia.
I hear a voice, whispering my name.
What do they want? What did I do?
The bedroom door is my fortress,
like an entrance into a dark cavelike bomb shelter.

The sound of silence screams paranoia.
1...2...3... breathe. 1...2...3... breathe.
My heart is quarreling with my brain-
separating reality and imagination.

The sound of nothing breathes paranoia.
I can’t stand this anymore.
My legs are quivering.

Here he comes,
closer and closer with his
big, dark, black eyes
that are piercing my heart with his
sharp stare.

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