Bonds | Teen Ink


October 30, 2014
By Andrey Fairbairn BRONZE, Willingboro, New Jersey
Andrey Fairbairn BRONZE, Willingboro, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We don't see each other any more
Those hallways we used to walk barren to me
Our voices echo on the walls
But never find an ear


Its like you took a piece of me
And I a piece of you
And though we tried to ignore the pain
Instead it only grew


There's loneliness inside this pain
In which no one can relate
Your simple smile, your quiet laugh
Lie in the past's deep cabinets


We say we'll meet, that we'll catch up
But what are we trying to catch
Memories have floated out of  reach
The sentiment has dissolved


A scene plays out inside my mind
Where we never had to part
Our interests aligned, our destiny shared
We are happy here, without a doubt


I realize this to be false
But one thing to be true
Our paths divulge but our bond still holds
I am a part of you


A part you'll never leave behind
Maybe we'll meet up there
A place where you'll find me every time
And experience the same bond that we shared

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