These Long Lost Things | Teen Ink

These Long Lost Things

November 14, 2014
By Prestige_ SILVER, Kaneohe, Hawaii
Prestige_ SILVER, Kaneohe, Hawaii
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Long lost Valentine, give me another chance.

Write me a letter, give me a luscious kiss, take me to a dance.

Long lost Lover, pull me back into your warm arms,

so I can kiss the tender crook of your elbow and fall for all your charms.

Long lost Friend, tell me a funny story again.

Walk with me home, drenched in the heavy rain.

Long lost Memories, where did you all go?

Just to be thought of constantly, to and fro?

Here one second, gone the next?

Just to be a sudden pain in my chest?

Maybe that's the result of these good and bad things,

they'll leave you with memories so strong it stings.

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