Broken Love | Teen Ink

Broken Love

November 14, 2014
By Prestige_ SILVER, Kaneohe, Hawaii
Prestige_ SILVER, Kaneohe, Hawaii
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I could just taste, if only just barely.

I swear I should be able to feel it in the cold air, no really.

I would have felt it more if you didn't leave me numb like you always do.

Love does that to people, even to people as heartless as you.

For after our sweet entanglement of kisses, and our best wishes,

we still stand here just as broken, with nothing left for even stitches.

But I am tired of this broken love,

tired of this story that fits us like a hand in a glove.

Therefore, I took my story and ended it here.

I don't know why you left, my intentions were visible as the day is clear.

You told me done was our loving bond.

And, so, in a twisted way, I am gone.

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