Blue Barnacles | Teen Ink

Blue Barnacles

November 17, 2014
By LiamCH BRONZE, Haiku, Hawaii
LiamCH BRONZE, Haiku, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blue sky, cone-shaped barnacles and twisted copper, that’s the stuff I am made of. The small odd, beautiful things that catch my eye, and set fire to my senses. Each piece, each fragment, lends itself, it’s color, texture, and flavor, to the cacophony of life. Every day is a tasting, a sampling, an attempt to devour all that we can. To breath in, the blood rust iron of a Jersey dock, the spice of a norwegian sky, or the scent of salt hanging heavy on a cliffside. To feel the heartbeat of history in Berlin, the brush of love close to home, or the final spasms of a creature, in the throes of death. To taste the bile of defeat, the zest of victory and the grimy crunch of the everyday grind. These are all the things that make life wonderful. These are the things for which I live. Life is, after all, nothing more than a happy accident. A stroke of evolutionary genius brought about by an incredible luck of the draw. A broken down roller coaster on a rotting boardwalk. Whose existence is held together salt water taffy and childrens’ squeals.  And who despite the gales, hurricanes, waves and winds persists on to the astonishment of all. This rollercoaster is not the smoothest nor the safest but as long as you keep your eye out for the little things, the view from the top is amazing. For it is from the top you can see, taste, and feel the blue sky, cone-shaped barnacles and twisted copper.

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