Midnight Melodies | Teen Ink

Midnight Melodies

November 19, 2014
By missreadalots BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
missreadalots BRONZE, Grimes, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be yourself. Everybody else is already taken.

midnight melodies call from atop
their sounds of sorrow ring in my ears
even hours after their mournful performance

their tears rain down from the heavens
showering us with their despair
promising it will get better
it will never get better

true happiness is a needle in a haystack
a pearl in the sea
something that doesn’t really exists

but we want it to be real
because that’s what we’re taught to expect in life
that we deserve nothing but happiness and riches and love
they’re wrong
we deserve nothing
because we are nothing

their midnight melodies sound softly in my ears
as i walk to the edge from atop
urging me to go further
until it’s a balancing act

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