~Blue~ | Teen Ink


November 26, 2014
By icarus1313 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
icarus1313 SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blue is the color of his kiss on your head as he holds you in his arms

on a cold December night

It’s the color of his breath and his eyes as he gazes

into the stars above

Blue is the color of his fingertips as he tucks your stray hairs behind your ears

and it’s the color of his voice when he whispers

“I love you.”

Blue is the color of the promises he makes

as you dance together alone,

and it’s the color of your heart as he breaks those promises

Blue is the color of your tears when you see him with another

It’s the color of the music you listen to

to drown out the pain,

and it’s the color of discontent and heartbreak

as you watch him walk away.

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