Losing Father | Teen Ink

Losing Father

November 30, 2014
By Brittany Popejoy BRONZE, Rancho Cucamonga, California
Brittany Popejoy BRONZE, Rancho Cucamonga, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Losing you was not easy
When I first heard of what happened I did not believe it
Everything was a dream, a nightmare.
It was so unreal
It has been three years now and I still feel like you’re here
I know you’re watching over me like a guardian angel
You will always be my protector
I love you and I miss you
I think about you everyday
All the good memories I had with you, while I had the chance
You were an amazing Father and you raised me right
I wish you did not have to leave
I know you were feeling down all the time, but we could have helped you
I still wish I could hear your voice
You didn’t even get to see me grow up dad
I know you did not mean to hurt us,
But you were the first man to break my heart
I just wish you had stayed
Everything would have been okay

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