You see that girl | Teen Ink

You see that girl

December 1, 2014
By TheMonster07 BRONZE, Cayce, South Carolina
TheMonster07 BRONZE, Cayce, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

You see that girl that you make fun of
You see that girl that always wears a fake smile
The girl that wears hoodies all the time
The girl that is called 'the loner,outcast,loser'
The girls that has no friends

Yeah that girl she has feelings
She could have gone through hell and back
She might feel that it's best not to have friends because they might leave her
You never know what it is to live in her shoes
To live in her head
To be her

So why do you mess with her
You have no right
To Judge her for who she is
For what she wears and how she acts

One day she is going to get tired
She will do something that Will changes your life
You'll Think why did I ever mess with her

You See That Girl she is HUMAN
And Don't mess with her because it might back fire

The author's comments:

I hope people see that the person they are hurting is human and has their limits. 

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