Love is Misunderstood | Teen Ink

Love is Misunderstood

November 28, 2014
By alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on someone you don't like.

because I say that I love you with his name on my lips and his face covering my eyes. I hold your hand with his scent on my gloves and my hands formed to only hold his comfortably. I kiss your lips only hoping to taste his when we part.  I look into your eyes only to look right through you.
I know it's wrong because I know I love him but he doesn't love me and feeling your love while imagining him is the closest thing I'll get to his love. so please forgive me, we both want something out of this and I'm sorry I'm faking it, but if you don't realize I'm faking it, maybe that means you are too.

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