Because That's What I'm Supposed To Do | Teen Ink

Because That's What I'm Supposed To Do

November 28, 2014
By alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
alexaacodee GOLD, New York, New York
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hate is too strong an emotion to waste on someone you don't like.

because you asked me out on a Sunday. I told my friends because that's what you're supposed to do. they freaked out because I had finally found someone. they asked if I was happy and I said yes because that's what I'm supposed to say. but, I went into this with the expectation that with a relationship comes an overflowing feeling of love and happiness. I went into this relationship with the expectation that it was supposed to take up every thought in my mind because that's what all the stories say. you love each other unconditionally and you couldn't be happier. but love is just an over exaggerated emotion to get people worked up about something that isn't that special. of course you're special, but you're just like any of my other friends and I have times for other things when I talk to them. love isn't all that amazing, and maybe I'm supposed to feel something different but it isn't everything you hear about in books.

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