Walking Target | Teen Ink

Walking Target

December 4, 2014
By Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
Brea1031 GOLD, Delafield, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking through the woods
a known target on my back.
The butterflies in my gut indicate that
it’s is the season again.
Doing a search and seeing nothing
I continue with life.
Munching endlessly with no worry in sight.
Bushes surrounding me
and cover my body.
Not to give a clear shot
hidden by surrounding trees.
But to forget is a given
back out I go.
“Click Click” Frozen
looking for the orange suit.
It’s clear
take off.
Warn the others
it’s not to late.
“Bang Bang” Fight or flight
the sting in my lungs.
Frantically running
not thinking of the pain.
To find a place
where I’m less likely be found.
The final resting spot
as my eyes close...forever.

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