Sailing on the Fear of Unknown Waters | Teen Ink

Sailing on the Fear of Unknown Waters

December 4, 2014
By Bradson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Bradson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mysterious tales of sailors seeing monsters at sea,
describing the fear they had
when their and the beast’s eyes met,
warning those not to sail.

The dread I have, for the exploration I must do,
but the sight of them, I cannot endure.
The unknowingness of these beasts
freezes my blood and taunts my mind.

My men and I sail on our enormous vessel,
into unknown and mysterious waters.
Traveling further and further away
from our homeland.

A deep, livid-unknown we look into,
my men climbing the nets and scrubbing the floor shout,
“Monster!” as a snake’s neck and a horse-like head
emerge from the water and stare at us.

Our hearts stop, its black eyes wander from each of us,
turning our bodies to stone.
“Arm the cannons!” I shout, and my men break their fear
and load and aim the cannons.

“Aim, aim, FIRE!” I shout, as smoke explodes and the cannons fly,
the cannonballs streak for the monster,
but it dives into the abyss.
We miss.

I am brought a telescope--I look out into the calming waves,
a churning, and then a splash.
The monster plays on the surface of the abyss.
It looks back at us, and my blood freezes.

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