silent killer | Teen Ink

silent killer

December 5, 2014
By Mork97 SILVER, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
Mork97 SILVER, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't let your dreams of today become your regrets of tomorrow, live everyday in the moment and live like its your last day.

As the sun rose,
her diamond eyes revealed a deadly sparkle.
The grass was tall and the wind was right,
this silent killer was on the prowl.

As the antelope grazes on the dewy grass,
he knows the risk.
This morning could be his last,
the silent killer is no where to be seen.

A shift in the wind gives movement to the dense grassy cover,
allowing her to move into place.
The time is right,
this silent killer has one final challenge.

As the wind grows as does the danger,
this peaceful beast can not relax.
With senses up and reflexes on guard,
the silent killer could be right under it’s feet.

She inches closer and closer,
slowly she accelerates until she’s at a full sprint.
Their destinies cross, one hunter; the other prey,
this silent killer needs a triumphant victory.

She catches up and grabs hold of the neck
her jaws clinch and pull cheetahs leave no room for escape.
The antelope goes down, his run is over,
this silent killer is victorious.

Shes used everything she had,
but the reward was grand
Her cubs can eat, raising, teaching, helping her young,
this speckled killer has done her job… for today.

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