Crunch, Gulp, Silence | Teen Ink

Crunch, Gulp, Silence

December 5, 2014
By morgnrtl19 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
morgnrtl19 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Crunch, Gulp, Silence

Bamboo wavers
—the spotted bear makes his ascent.
CRUNCH.  It’s lunch time.
But don’t let this Panda’s cuddly appearance trick you,
his sharp molars produce a nasty bite.  
Reflections ripple
—the lovable giant approaches the watering hole
GULP.  He’s thirsty.
Don’t be like the rest and underestimate him,
because elephants experience unexpected rage and aggression

Shrubs rustle
—“Click” “click” go the tourists cameras
SILENCE, he emerges.
But don’t be fooled by Mr. Moose’s long nose and cartoonish grin,
he will attack if you get too close.

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