The Beast | Teen Ink

The Beast

December 3, 2014
By AlaynaPierce SILVER, Bridgeton, New Jersey
AlaynaPierce SILVER, Bridgeton, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't waste your time asking life "why?" because it's only going to respond with "why not?"

My eyes just opened.

I don't know where I am.

I have just awoken.


It's dark in here.

It's cold.

Everywhere theres fear.

On the corner theres mold.

The end is here,

but im not that old.


This fear has enveloped me,

it swallowed me whole.

Theres nothing left to see.

I played my role.

They took advantage of me.

They paid their toll.


Im gone but Im still here.

 Im numb.

Is that a tear?

I was so dumb.


You said you would stay.

You fed me lies.

You were gone the next day,

and now my heart dies.


You created this fear.

You broke a broken heart.

You pushed the end near.

You shot me with a poisonous dart.

I dont want you here.


Inside im dying.

The beast is killing me.

Outside I'm crying.

My vision is blurry, I cant see

because you've been lying.


A beast put me in this cold,dark place.

It slaughtered me

and left without a trace.


I awoke from that slaughter.

Im still alive, but not on the inside.

I sit in this red water.

You faked your love and cast me aside.


I can see now.

The beast is clear.

You couldn't avow.

Theres another tear.


Theres a beast in me,

but theres two.

Now i can see,

the true beast is you.

The author's comments:

This is the first poem I have written and shared, breaking me out of my fear of sharing poems.

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