One Last Time | Teen Ink

One Last Time

December 8, 2014
By megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who have achieved success have lived well, loved often, and laughed much."

One last time to say goodbye
One last time you take a breath
One last time I hold your hand
As you slowly move towards death.

One last time to say I’m here
One last time to let you know
One last time to say I’ll miss you
Now it’s time for me to let you go.

One last time to need you
One last time to cry
One last time to mourn you
Just know I’ll never say goodbye.

Now your breaths are slower
Your skin is paler than the moon
I hope you know I love you
I promise I’ll see you again soon.

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